Khamis, 20 September 2012

happy Birthday kakak...

This entry specially dedicate to my kakak...
actually bkn kakak btol...
but my friend...
tp we're close just like adik and kakak...
she always gives me lots of advise etc...
and today her Birthday...

introduce puan Rosmanorazlia Malek...
(panjangkan her name...)
but me only call her kak as...

this pic taken mase majlis raya @office last year...
kak as yg pki bju bunga merah...
yg cute comey kat sebelah die pki tudung itam 2...
ibu la 2 (sebok letak this pic... nk enterframe gak)...hahaha...

ucapan buat kak as...

"zie doakan...
semoga kak as dipanjangkan umur...
dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik...
dimurahkan rezeki...
dipermudahkan segala urusan...
& bahagia + gembira disisi abg zul & kakak, izz & ebad..."

love u so much...

p/s: semoga persahabatan kita kekal sampai bila2... Aamiinn...

1 ulasan:

  1. Alolorrrhhh Ziey...t'harunye
    t.kasih byk2 wat adk ziey yg ku syg :-) pn syg kamu dh mcm adk-b'dik da..:-)
    apa2 cite yg epy @ pn yg sedey ttp kite kongsi b'sama kan...? love u lh muacchhhhh!!
